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There would be no one to frighten you if you refused to be afraid.
Mohandas K. Gandhi

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Fear of thunder and lightning

Information on Brontophobia

Brontophobia is the irrational fear of thunder or lightening. Although everyone fears these natural phenomenon, the brontophobic is often made sick and restless due to his overzealous fears. During storms, those who suffer from brontophobia often hide in closets, under beds, in cupboards and anywhere where they cannot hear or see the storm. Other actions caused by this phobia include diving for foxholes, shutting blinds, turning the radio, television and lights off and lying flat on the floor or curling up in bed. This phobia makes it impossible for sufferers to function during a rainy or sometimes, cloudy day. Sometimes sufferers change television channels rapidly looking for weather information. The fear of being struck by lightening is ever present in the mind of a brontophobic and can cause excessive worrying, stress, anxiety, dry mouth, intense heart beat, excessive sweating and other symptoms associated with panic attacks. The causes of brontophobia are often linked to frightening childhood experiences during a storm. Although the individual understands that his fear is irrational, he cannot separate his worries from reality. Treatments for brontophobia consist of traditional cognitive behavioral therapies such as flooding, counter-conditioning and gradual exposure therapy. Medications and less traditional treatments have also been found to work. Virtual reality therapy can be effective for treating brontophobia because of the ability to simulate a storm or lightening without waiting for nature to take her course. This can make treatment faster and less expensive. However, the true test should always come in real and natural form.

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