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Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of every fear is a freedom.
Marilyn Ferguson
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Fear of cancer
Information on Carcinophobia
Carcinophobia is the term used to describe a fear of cancer. Although most people may occasionally worry about this disease, those suffereing from carcinophobia are often rendered incapable of functioning because of their fears. They understand that their fears are irrational and over anxious, however they cannot separate themselves from the thoughts being triggered in their heads. Carcinophobics often jump to conclusions at the slightest bodily discomfort, truly believing that a stomach ache means they have cancer. Most commonly, carcinophobics believe that a headache is a sure sign of a brain tumor. Sufferers also believe that they will get cancer if they come into contact with someone who has cancer. Because the causes of cancer are not altogether known, when a person sees the outcomes of the condition they begin to believe that the overall environment is a cause. Associated with the fear of dying, carcinophobia causes sufferers to take excessive precautions with their health. Although some precautions, such as avoiding smoking cigarettes or exposing yourself to strong sunlight can help you prevent cancer, carcinophobics take it to the extreme as to the point where it interferes with their daily lives. Panic attacks are common with all people suffering from a phobia and can make it difficult to live a healthy and normal life.
Treatments for carcinophobia first and foremost involves a personal desire for the sufferer to overcome his fears. Most therapy does nothing more than guide the patient in a process of reprogramming their brains towards a healthier outlook. Because carcinophobia can be triggered by life circumstances and provoked by a media of fear, sufferers must realign the pathways in their brains that have learned to induce panic attacks and anxiety in the presence of a worrisome thought. Therapy is the most recommended form of treatment merely for the fact that it involves the participation of the patient and is a long term solution. It can be a powerful feeling to regain control of ones life.
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